a BLOG!? what are you? a mum??

Oi! blogs are cool!!!1!

but yes! this is my blog, just a place to put updates, funny stories, artwork and doodles and who knows, maybe scrapbooking idk? This is mostly for me but if you like this kinda stuff, enjoy!

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27/08/24 - hrrk! I'm alive I promise
Hi hello hi howdy. Just an update for the blog -w- I do wish i could keep this more real time updates as opposed to 'here's what i've been up to for the last few months' but alas, it just how it be until I can work out a better system. Maybe I can mount a livejournal or bearblog here sometime, save me from having to edit the html everytime i wanna make a blog post XD that might help. ANYWAY, I've been wanting so badly to update my site but my ass is either busy or dead. Mostly juggling work (just finished up animation on season 1 of a new tv show we're super excited about), lots of mental health nonsense and house moving stuff!!! I'm moving house babeeey, I don't want to see another speck of mold again in my life!!!!! NZ living amiright haha :'^D so excited, the new place has a little GARDEN!!!1!
But yeah without getting into too much detail that's pretty much it for life stuff. I have been continuing to draw more. So I seem for the most part out of my art block, at least the art making part of it. My intentions and goals in art are still up in the air but that's fine. I'm making stuff, that's all I care about right now. And speaking of which, here are some of my fav pieces I've done recently:
Purple Wizard :)
Had some fun with art fight this year tho I felt it was a little quiet, this one was my favourite one to make me thinks.
Here's a super fun commission I did for the epic eldglitcharchives B^)
Aaaaaand last but not least, I've finally started watching MLP:FiM after 10 years of meaning to get around to it XD I love it, I get it, these little horses are cool. So I drew them
As for plans for this site; I still have plans to actually write and set up the pages I need to. Worlds and Stories in Art Space is in wip but it's quite a big project so may take a while until that is in a usable state. Same with my portfolio page. I'm considering possibly making some pages dedicated to my otherkin identitiy and spiritual practice as that's been a new and important part of my life recently, but also quite deeply personal so I'm still humming and haa-ing about whether or not I go so public with it. But I think it could be fun to share, and find other otherkin/therians in the personal web scene.
One thing I'm changing right now tho? I'm adding little status updates to the end of my blogs. In the style of old DeviantArt journals because they're fun and I miss them!
Listening to: Breaking Benjamin
Watching: House MD and My Little Pony
Reading: A Wizard of Earthsea
Playing: Skyrim
Eating: Your soulll 0_o
Drinking: apply juice :3
04/05/24 - concert night!!!
a few nights ago i was blessed to go see one of my favourite all time musicians, Amigo the Devil. Absolutely bonkers he came all the way down to New Zealand but he did and I'm so happy!
I went to see the show with my partner and it was sooo magical! This gig was so chill and honestly a little intimate, lots of jokes and chatting about the backstory behind some of the songs. Towards the last third of the show he decided to move down INTO the crowd to preform as opposed to on stage. He got everyone from the back to move onto the stage so they could still see, it felt like a big ol' music circle, it was amazing! really just felt like hanging out with a friend and his banjo.
That moment is what I decided to paint, as I am not big on taking photos during events. (I just kinda forget/dont wanna be distracted by my phone). Likenesses are still a bit of a struggle for me but I feel like I really nailed the vibes and that's most important to me. OH also I've been doing a lot of traditional art lately too, that is also important as this piece was done in my sketchbook with gouache and colour pencil ^_^
28/04/24 - a commission!
woah!! i did a super experimental commission for an artist i love over on Toyhou.se (user @sparklefur) - I did a big ol' portrait of their character Dr. ERiS Harmony Sapphicism Chromatic ABBeraTION (...drop the PHD), i got permission to go super crazy wild with it and i had SO much fun. I'm excited to explore more of this approach in future digital arts!
happy sunday! shockingly, i have more art :0! I've fallen back in love with fairies, an interest of mine since I was a wee thing and they've been bringing me much comfort. Enjoy some fairy drawing's i've made over the past few days.
14/03/24 - wimzard,,,
uh well i mean, i guess I'll also use this as an art blog thing too, might as well. I don't rly have a space to just post every art and doodle yet, if ever depending on how things go. So uhh enjoy this wizard drawing I did. I've been experimenting using this kinda pixelley look.
literally the first time in months that i havent hated a drawing i've done tbh. been in a bit of an art rut alongside some of the stuff i mentioned in the last entry. so thats nice.
(p.s; he's casting a spell on you. you didn't do anything wrong he's just an asshole)
10/03/24 - whoops, been a min
Heyo, quick blog update since i've been tinkering with my site this weekend! Honestly havent gotten up to much since last year. Have been in and out of a bit of a depression hole but still trucking along. Had a nice Xmas with the polycule and a nice chill holiday break from work. But since then have just been head down working on our new show and spending time with my peeps.
I've been considering making little digital (or physical) scrapbooky pages for when any fun events come up in the future and I might pop them in here inbetween blog posts, that might be fun ^-^
anyhoo, end transmission, have a nice day!
28/10/23 - fursuit shenanigans!
had a small halloween do at work on friday and my friend Josh and I took some photos of each others costumes! So I got some hella nice pics of my new suit Deja! Really happy with how these turned out!
19/10/23 - woah a blog post
umm today I did some work... worked on my website and i am excited to hang out with friends on the weekend! yay! blogging!